
It's time, it's time! The horns are trumpeting ...


DEPORT OF FRANCUA Self-portrait in a hunting suit.
Champignyol, 1661 - Paris, 1743
The painting, adopted by the Royal Academy of Painting and Sculpture in 1699. Collection of the Royal Academy

It's time, it's time! The horns are trumpeting;
Psary in hunting clothes
What light is on the horses sitting,
Greyhounds are jumping on the packs.
A gentleman appears on the porch,
Everything, looking through, looks over;
His happy face
Pleasant importance shines.
Chekmen tightened on it,
The Turkish knife behind the sash,
Behind the bosom in the flask is rum,
And the horn on the bronze chain.
In the night cap, in one kerchief,
Through the eyes of a sleepy wife
Angrily looks out the window
On the collection, on the alarm of a car ...
The horse was brought to her husband;
He withers his wit and in the stirrups of his foot,
Shouting to the wife: do not wait for me!
And he leaves on the road ...

A.S. Pushkin. Poem "Earl of Nuline"


The narrative will be multilevel.
In my opinion, everyone who communicates with me already knows that when the mare carries, it already bears! A gentle female hand does not exactly stop it. ))
So, part one!
Serious verses of the luminary of Russian poetry are attached to classical painting - light, airy pictures about the hunt of real gentlemen!
The author of the works - Alken, Henry Thomas Henry Thomas Alken (1785-1851)




"The Dog Hunt"
Having drunk fairly, having supper densely,
The master goes to bed carelessly.
Tomorrow tells me to wake up.
It's a wonderful thing to ride and bite!

Touches steppe and riotous will
It is good to him who surrenders to power
He is fond of amusement: he knows the passion.
And up to sedin young impulses
It will be preserved, beautiful and alive,
The Black Duma will not come to him,
In idle rest the soul will not fall asleep.
Who does not like hunting dogs,
The soul in itself will fall asleep and ruin.

N.A. Nekrasov


Francisco de Goya and Lucientes (1746 Fuendetodos - 1828 Bordeaux) - Quail hunting

Well, and where without the main work, singing all the delights of hunting. ))


Vasily Grigorievich Perov: Hunters at halt. 1871.

The hunters are sitting near the fire, drinking, eating. One says:
- The wolves surrounded me, there is nothing to do, I had to climb a tree. I climbed on a branch, I sit: Wolves began to howl.
Suddenly: Souk - once and broke off:
- Oh! And what!
- Clear business have ripped.


Pietro Longhi: Duck hunters in the lagoon

And these hunters are slicing through the Karelian lakes in search of game.
And it's not scary that the name of the picture is the Missouri River.
We know for sure that the best duck hunting can only be in Karelian lakes. ))


Bingham George Caleb: Fur-hunter on the Misuri River


Somehow the two hunters say:
1: - Well, how about hunting?
2: - Yes he shot a hedgehog!
1: - Fuck this ?!
2: - Wife on the collar, mother-in-law on the insole!


Semenov Andrey Nikolaevich. Hunters

What do the hunters want?
I do not know.
Probably keep your nose in the wind and always attack the right track!
Set your goals reliable traps and live happily!
But the main thing is that hunting never happened such a face!))


Korovin Constantine - Failure

Hunting is a sport! Especially when the ammunition ends, and the boar is still alive.


Author: Dmitriy Dolgov

Brutsky Nathan art for sale

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